Eat the Rainbow… Every Day!
When you think about it, what is the purpose of food? Mainly, it is to nourish our bodies and to sustain us. It is what gives us energy. Yet, processed food companies have created addictive foods that aren’t healthy. They intentionally include just the right amounts of fats, sugars and salts to keep us coming back for more.
And, that’s a hard battle for your taste buds to fight! Not to worry, taste and food desires can change, when given time! The shift is worth it for a healthier mind & body, and to feel better every day.
Eat the rainbow. Each food group has its own nutrition profile, and to optimize meeting your nutritional requirements from food, it is suggested to eat at least 30 different fruits, vegetables whole grains and beans each week. This may sound difficult — we are creatures of habit and often eat the same foods over and over — but each time you go the market, try a new vegetable or fruit and expand your variety. One easy way to do this is to look at your plate, have you included a wide variety of colors🌈?
Try this: black rice with some Mexican spiced pinto beans, an orange yam, some broccoli or cauliflower. For dessert top some mixed berries with shaved dark chocolate…delicious and you’ve hit at least five of your options for the week!
When you eat for health and not immediate pleasure, your tastebuds adjust and this food becomes delicious (it may take some time though.) In all things, have patience with yourself and try to move towards making the healthiest food choices each day. Remember, it’s all about progress not perfection!